
Here's To New Bloggers

I try to read as many blogs as I possibly can. That's difficult sometimes with teaching and finishing a thesis and freelance work. But still, I like to stay up to date on what's happening with other people's blogs.

A new blogger emailed me a couple of months ago and told me that a conversation we had this summer made her want to start blogging. She kept a Live Journal account for years, but she realized after our conversation about art and home life that she was ready to pursue something different. So, she started THIS BLOG. HowdyHoosier.com

It's one thing to surf around and discover blogs that have been around for years. I read Wil Wheaton's, BoingBoing, PinkRayGun, SmithBites, and I visit a lot of websites on a regular basis. AintitCool, Mousetalgia, Doombuggies, etc. I have my rounds. I bet you do too. But it's something else entirely to have the chance to witness a new blogger just getting started.

After blogging for a few years now, there's always something exhilarating to me about seeing people just beginning their journey pursuing their life's dreams and creative inclinations. So let's break a bottle of champagne on the hull of the Howdy Hoosier. Bon Voyage! (and you can do it...)

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