
If You Don't Know Miranda Hart, You Should

I've seen Miranda Hart in "Call the Midwife". Her performance on that show is vulnerable, sincere
and frankly, my favorite. But I didn't have any idea that she was such a comedic force.

Hulu recently recommended the show "Miranda".

Those robots definitely know their stuff, because Miranda is fantastic! It's broad. It makes me actually laugh (not just quietly chuckle) and it perfectly portrays what it feels like to be awkward and different. Not that cute, manic-pixie-dream awkward that's all the rage now. But like...weird weird. This show makes me feel heard, understood, and happy.

I feel like this is probably one of those times where I'm years late to the party and the rest of the world already knows about her. But just in case it's not, please allow this collection of Miranda gifs to convince you.

Then, you can visit her website or go sign up for Hulu so you can watch this show!